Thursday, April 16, 2009

Speaking Like a Lady

I was attracted to one of the chapters in Dr. Holmes required reading reference book this semester. It was something about speaking like a lady. It got me thinking, now wouldn't that be an interesting ESP course? I had a friend once who was looking around for grooming classes around KL, and I had the time of my life laughing at her... probably because I was young and shallow and the idea of doing things the 'proper way' did not appeal to me. I asked her, "why on earth do you want to go to a grooming class?" (in not-so-polite a fashion)... and she said (in an unladylike manner) "because I want to be able to walk and talk like a lady". This was greeted with more laughter and sneers on my behalf (you have to know her to be able to laugh as hard as I did).

Back to ESP. It stands for English for specific purposes right? So would the course 'Speak Like a Lady' be an acceptable ESP course? I mean specifically the speaking aspect. I can imagine it now. A bunch of women, not only just learning how to speak English but doing it the 'ladylike' way. I can only imagine what that would be like. I suppose it would mean taking care of the pronunciations, and the tone of voice as well as the content proper for a woman. Of course it would be impossibly outdated since we are after all fighting for equal rights.

So, if such a course existed, would you go?


Ms Mia said...

Now this reminds me the story of Eliza Doolittle and Mr Higgins! It's George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion/ My Fair Lady. In the story, Eliza is a country girl who takes speech lessons from Mr Higgins, so that she can pass as a lady. And yes, she succeeded in becoming a lady. (And she and Higgins did end up falling for each other hehe)

I wish I could try attending to such courses as well, provided my instructor/teacher is as good (looking) as Higgins haha. :)

Azzam?? said...

interesting.. most interesting. yeaa.. if you put into context, ladies nowadays need a lesson or two in languages. how you speak doesn't reflect your equality however. but it's good to see ESP from different perspectives..

Cheyenne said...

Do they have courses like such? it'd be really fascinating to enroll myself in that particular course...Speak like a lady in the 21st century...women should be taught how to get their way through in everything, in the lady-like-but-firm manner...hmm..yea..i think i need that course!

Jasmin Hassan said...

kak mia. u really think higgins is good looking? i think this course would be great, but i can imagine feminists going beserk!